Unitholder Tax Information

2023/24 Annual Tax Statements

The GCI Annual Tax Statements (ATS) for the 2023/24 financial year were distributed to unitholders on 21 August 2024.

Tax Guide 2023/24


GCI makes monthly cash distributions which are just one component of a unitholder’s attributable income for tax purposes. GCI’s tax year-end is 30 June at which time all of the components of tax attribution are determined and disclosed in the ATS. Unitholders should refer to their ATS for managing their tax affairs and should not rely solely on the cash distribution information presented below.

Periodic Statement 30 June 2022

Fund Payment Notices

Distribution June 2023 Distribution May 2023 Distribution June 2022  Distribution September 2021  Distribution June 2021

Month Ending Record Date Distribution Date Cash Distribution
Per Unit
Australian Sourced
Interest Income
Other Australian
Taxable Income
Amounts Not Subject To
Withholding Tax
30-Sep-24 30-Sep-24 9-Oct-24 $0.0142 100% * - -
31-Aug-24 30-Aug-24 9-Sep-24 $0.0146 100% * - -
31-Jul-24 31-Jul-24 8-Aug-24 $0.0143 100% * - -
30-Jun-24 28-Jun-24 8-Jul-24 $0.0139 100% * - -
31-May-24 31-May-24 11-Jun-24 $0.0149 100% * - -
30-Apr-24 30-Apr-24 8-May-24 $0.0146 100% * - -
31-Mar-24 28-Mar-24 9-Apr-24 $0.0142 100% * - -
29-Feb-24 29-Feb-24 8-Mar-24 $0.0140 100% * - -
31-Jan-24 31-Jan-24 8-Feb-24 $0.0150 100% * - -
31-Dec-23 29-Dec-23 9-Jan-24 $0.0150 100% * - -
30-Nov-23 30-Nov-23 8-Dec-23 $0.0141 100% * - -
31-Oct-23 31-Oct-23 8-Nov-23 $0.0146 100% * - -
30-Sep-23 29-Sep-23 10-Oct-23 $0.0143 100% * - -
31-Aug-23 1-Sep-23 8-Sep-23 $0.0148 100% * - -
31-Jul-23 31-Jul-23 8-Aug-23 $0.0147 100% * - -
30-Jun-23 30-Jun-23 10-Jul-23 $0.0146 96% * 4% * -
31-May-23 31-May-23 8-Jun-23 $0.01405 98% * 2% * -
30-Apr-23 28-Apr-23 8-May-23 $0.0131 100% * - -
31-Mar-23 31-Mar-23 12-Apr-23 $0.0133 100% * - -
28-Feb-23 28-Feb-23 8-Mar-23 $0.0117 100% * - -
31-Jan-23 31-Jan-23 8-Feb-23 $0.0128 100% * - -
31-Dec-22 30-Dec-22 10-Jan-23 $0.0127 100% * - -
30-Nov-22 30-Nov-22 8-Dec-22 $0.0120 100% * - -
31-Oct-22 31-Oct-22 8-Nov-22 $0.0122 100% * - -
30-Sep-22 30-Sep-22 11-Oct-22 $0.0110 100% * - -
31-Aug-22 31-Aug-22 8-Sep-22 $0.0106 100% * - -
31-Jul-22 29-Jul-22 8-Aug-22 $0.0097 100% * - -
30-Jun-22 30-Jun-22 8-Jul-22 $0.0110 79% * 21% * -
31-May-22 31-May-22 8-Jun-22 $0.0082 100% * - -
30-Apr-22 29-Apr-22 9-May-22 $0.0076 100% * - -
31-Mar-22 31-Mar-22 8-Apr-22 $0.0077 100% * - -
28-Feb-22 28-Feb-22 8-Mar-22 $0.0070 100% * - -
31-Jan-22 31-Jan-22 8-Feb-22 $0.0077 100% * - -
31-Dec-21 31-Dec-21 11-Jan-22 $0.0077 100% * - -
30-Nov-21 30-Nov-21 8-Dec-21 $0.0074 100% * - -
31-Oct-21 29-Oct-21 8-Nov-21 $0.0075 100% * - -
30-Sep-21 30-Sep-21 11-Oct-21 $0.0074 80% * 20% * -
31-Aug-21 31-Aug-21 8-Sep-21 $0.0078 100% * - -
31-Jul-21 30-Jul-21 9-Aug-21 $0.0077 100% * - -
30-Jun-21 30-Jun-21 8-Jul-21 $0.0108 69% * 31% * -
31-May-21 31-May-21 8-Jun-21 $0.0077 100% * - -
30-Apr-21 30-Apr-21 10-May-21 $0.0073 100% * - -
31-Mar-21 31-Mar-21 12-Apr-21 $0.0075 100% * - -
28-Feb-21 26-Feb-21 8-Mar-21 $0.0068 100% * - -
31-Jan-21 29-Jan-21 8-Feb-21 $0.0075 100% * - -
31-Dec-20 31-Dec-20 11-Jan-21 $0.0072 100% * - -
30-Nov-20 30-Nov-20 8-Dec-20 $0.0071 100% * - -
31-Oct-20 30-Oct-20 9-Nov-20 $0.0074 100% * - -
30-Sep-20 30-Sep-20 9-Oct-20 $0.0071 100% * - -
31-Aug-20 31-Aug-20 8-Sep-20 $0.0072 100% * - -
31-Jul-20 31-Jul-20 10-Aug-20 $0.0072 100% * - -
30-Jun-20 30-Jun-20 8-Jul-20 $0.0067 100% - -
31-May-20 29-May-20 9-Jun-20 $0.0065 100% - -
30-Apr-20 30-Apr-20 8-May-20 $0.0065 100% - -
31-Mar-20 31-Mar-20 8-Apr-20 $0.0071 100% - -
29-Feb-20 28-Feb-20 9-Mar-20 $0.0068 100% - -
31-Jan-20 31-Jan-20 10-Feb-20 $0.0073 100% - -
31-Dec-19 31-Dec-19 9-Jan-20 $0.0073 100% - -
30-Nov-19 29-Nov-19 9-Dec-19 $0.0070 100% - -
31-Oct-19 31-Oct-19 8-Nov-19 $0.0076 100% - -
30-Sep-19 30-Sep-19 9-Oct-19 $0.0076 100% - -
31-Aug-19 30-Aug-19 9-Sep-19 $0.0077 100% - -
31-Jul-19 31-Jul-19 8-Aug-19 $0.0084 100% - -
30-Jun-19 28-Jun-19 8-Jul-19 $0.0086 100% - -
31-May-19 31-May-19 11-Jun-19 $0.0088 100% - -
30-Apr-19 30-Apr-19 8-May-19 $0.0085 100% - -
31-Mar-19 29-Mar-19 8-Apr-19 $0.0090 100% - -
28-Feb-19 28-Feb-19 8-Mar-19 $0.0080 100% - -
31-Jan-19 31-Jan-19 8-Feb-19 $0.0088 100% - -
31-Dec-18 31-Dec-18 9-Jan-19 $0.0088 100% - -
30-Nov-18 30-Nov-18 10-Dec-18 $0.0086 100% - -
31-Oct-18 31-Aug-18 8-Nov-18 $0.0088 100% - -
30-Sep-18 28-Sep-18 9-Oct-18 $0.0074 100% - -
31-Aug-18 31-Aug-18 10-Sep-18 $0.0062 100% - -
31-Jul-18 31-Jul-18 8-Aug-18 $0.0048 100% - -

* Indicative Only

One Managed Investment Funds Limited (ABN 47 117 400 987) (AFSL 297042) (OMIFL) is the responsible entity of the Gryphon Capital Income Trust (ARSN 623 308 850 (“Fund”). Information contained in this website was prepared by Gryphon Capital Investments Pty Ltd (ACN 167 850 535) (GCI). While neither OMIFL nor GCI has any reason to believe the information is inaccurate, the truth or accuracy of the information cannot be warranted or guaranteed. Before making any decision regarding the Fund, investors and potential investors should consider the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and other continuous disclosures available on the Australian Securities Exchange (“ASX”) website (Disclosure Material). The Disclosure Material contains important information about investing in the Fund and it is important investors obtain and read the Disclosure Material before making a decision about whether to acquire, continue to hold or dispose of units in the Fund. This website contains general information only and is not intended to be financial product advice. It does not take into account any person’s (or class of persons’) investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs, and should not be used as the basis for making investment, financial or other decisions. Investors should also consult a licensed financial adviser before making an investment decision in relation to the Fund. This website may contain forward-looking statements based on current expectations, estimates, and projections about the Fund’s business and the industry in which the Fund invests. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements. Neither OMIFL nor GCI undertakes any obligation to revise any such forward-looking statements to reflect events and circumstances after the date of this publication. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Neither OMIFL or GCI nor any other person associated with the Fund guarantees or warrants the future performance of the Fund, the return on an investment in the Fund, the repayment of capital or the payment of distributions from the Fund. To the extent permitted by law, no liability is accepted by OMIFL, GCI or their respective directors for any loss or damage as a result of any reliance on this information.

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